Nurturing Employees


We are a people-driven organization committed to health and wellness, reinforcing safety and well-  being especially during the pandemic.


Del Monte Philippines CEO Joselito D. Campos, Jr. visiting cannery staff in Bugo, Cagayan de Oro city, Philippines

DMPI is a people-driven organization committed to health and wellness, reinforcing safety and well-being especially during the pandemic. Close to 4,200 full-time employees of the Company work at its plantation, manufacturing facilities, administrative and marketing offices in the Philippines. The Company’s CHOICE Corporate values guide all employees on its interaction with colleagues, customers and other stakeholders. 

DMPI was inducted by the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) in the PMAP Hall of Fame for being named “Employer of the Year” three times, the maximum number. The Company has nurtured generations of employees, some from the same family, a testimony of its care for its people.


Gr8 leadership competency training participants in Mindanao



Field Workers in Bukidnon, Philippines


Occupational Health and Safety




















We are committed to ensuring our employees’ health and safety. Providing employees with a safe work environment is one of our priorities. We value our employees in a way that makes life better for every member of the organization. Moreover, ensuring the health and safety of our employees reduces costs arising from lost-time injuries and medical leaves. 

We consistently provide safety training to plantation and cannery employees and enforce the use of personal protective equipment required in performing their assigned duties and responsibilities.

DMPI work committees identify potential safety risks and hazards, and devise action plans to mitigate or avoid its occurrence. Safety programs are implemented and process improvements are made to ensure workplace health and safety.

1. Philippine facilities have emergency response teams that plan for crises. They conduct regular Emergency Preparedness Drills to prepare employees against emergencies and natural disasters.

2. DMPI Manufacturing TIR is also below that of the Philippine Statistics Authority (2015) TIR of 4.25 for the manufacturing sector, and complies with Article 168 of the Philippine Labor Code, further reinforced by Republic Act No. 11058 to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees.

3. Managers and supervisors ensure compliance with relevant workplace safety laws and regulations.   This includes the mandatory eight-hour training on occupational safety and health as prescribed by law. The safety training includes risk identification and mitigation, identifying unsafe acts, and work-related hazardous conditions, activities and situations.

4. In the Philippines, the Company’s Phillips Memorial Hospital attends to the health care needs of employees, their qualified dependents, and third party workers.

5. Del Monte provides medical staff in the manufacturing facilities and offices of the company to attend to medical emergencies as required by law.

6. DMPI regularly audits its toll manufacturers for compliance with all laws and regulations governing the workplace, including Occupational Safety and Health Regulations, Wages and Benefits, and Human Rights practices.


CBA signing with Mindanao Head, Francisco T. Molas


Human Rights and Labor Standards




















DMPI maintains a Code of Conduct for employees and suppliers. 

 1. Del Monte's Human Rights policy is in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization Core Convention on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Refer to the following link for more details.

2. One provision of the Company’s Human Rights Policy is to engage in meaningful consultation with potentially affected stakeholders, to respect the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination and the right to participation of communities where we operate.

3. About 79% of Del Monte employees in the Philippines are part of labor unions and covered by collective bargaining agreements.

DMPI established an Employee Council in Cabuyao Bottling Plant for labor management concerns and a healthy work environment.

4. All labor must be voluntary. The Group prohibits the practice of forced labor, child labor (under 18 years of age) and other forms of exploitation of workers as stated in the DMPL Code of Business Ethics and the Philippine Labor Code.

5. Labor Management Councils (LMCs) prepare the groundwork for negotiations between union and Management. DMPI has not experienced a labor strike in the past 50 years, a testimony of the Company’s good relations with its workforce.

6. Highly engaged LMCs in the cannery and plantation sustain a safe work environment, employee development, positive workplace, work life balance and conflict management programs.

7. Suppliers must comply with all applicable local labor laws, including those related to hiring, wages, hours worked, overtime and working conditions and implement hiring practices that accurately verify workers’ legal right to work in the country and age prior to employment, as stated in the Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

8. In FY23, 40% of women are in senior management roles. One of seven members of the Board of Directors is a woman.

9. The Company partners with local third-party service providers who go through DOLE’s accreditation and audit procedures to ensure that they provide the mandatory regional minimum wage and mandated government contributions. Some independent and unannounced audits are used to address compliance issues.


CBA signing with COO Luis F. Alejandro and the cannery labor union


Fair Wages and Benefits















We commit to providing employees fair wages and benefits. Del Monte complements government-mandated privileges for all full-time employees and qualified dependents with a broad range of benefits such as a comprehensive retirement package, vacation and sick leaves, and insurance benefits.

1. In the Philippines, the Company pays workers above minimum wage and average industry rates and informs them about employment terms and conditions prior to their appointment. Memorandums of agreement with labor unions in the Philippines stipulate annual wage increases and enhancements in benefits for farm and factory workers.

2. DMPI provides benefits better than the minimum prescribed by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). This includes health care benefits, leave benefits, life insurance coverage and retirement plan.

3. Our farm and production facilities employ people from surrounding communities, who undergo annual physical examination.

4. Plantation employees live with their families in about 1,400 Company-owned houses and 50 dormitories for unmarried employees.

5. Children of cannery and plantation employees enjoy free year-round weekend tutorials in sports such as basketball, tennis, swimming, martial arts, and creative skills like photography and theater arts.

6. Employee-organized cooperatives provide our workers with services that enhance economic benefits for their families such as annual dividends.


DMPI Employees in Mindanao


Employee Engagement













Building a culture of engagement is a continuing journey. It requires commitment from everyone in the organization. The Company involves employees in various activities that promote a healthy work-life integration. The Group’s commitment to engagement is a journey worth taking. It is one way we nourish our employees, enrich lives, every day.


Book donation by S&W Employees

DMPI cascaded its Del Monte CHOICE Values to employees across all levels, locations and divisions. These guide their interaction with colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders.






Well-being and Work-life Integration









1.Del Monte Philippines’ Corporate Communication circulates weekly news to update employees on various initiatives and activities in the company’s different business units.
2. Del Monte  continue its “Lunch and Learn” program for employees. Employee health and wellness, benefits and new company policies are some topics discussed during this session. The Company also conducts a series of Pre-Retirement Seminars to help near-retiring employees effectively plan and manage the key stages of the transition process and make better-informed decisions for a secure and rewarding retirement.  
 3.  The Company operates the Phillips Memorial Hospital close to its plantation in Bukidnon.
4. The Company supports employees’ well-being and lifestyle by sponsoring health and wellness programs. DMPI sets up various sports and exercise activities such as Zumba, yoga and running. We also provide summer programs for employees’ dependents.




Gr8 leadership competency training in Manila


Talent Management

















We nurture our employees through training by building on their individual capabilities through our core value – Championing Together. DMPI developed a competency framework for guiding key leaders’ teams towards achieving the Company’s strategic roadmap.
1. In the Philippines, DMPI introduced a self-paced learning management system, ONE DMU, available for employees. ONE DMU provides various training and awareness courses for employees, which include soil management, manufacturing, environmental awareness and training, among others. These are available for employees and allows them to learn at their own pace.
2. Each Competency Framework establishes broad-range people programs on recruitment, learning, career development, succession planning, and performance management. 
3. Fully supported by an OPCOM Corporate Faculty, our in-house Basic Management Program enables managers to adapt to dynamic business situations and changes to people, process, culture and mindset.
4. DMPI introduced a self-paced learning management system, ONE DMU, available for employees.